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Division of Traffic Operations
The Division of Traffic Operations is a division within KYTC’s Office of Project Delivery and Preservation. The mission of the division is to improve the safety and operation of the highway system through traffic-operational programs and projects. The division is responsible for the formulation, distribution, and interpretation of the policies, rules, and regulations that relate to the traffic functions of the Cabinet.
The Division of Traffic Operations performs these functions while working closely with district offices, consultants and other KYTC employees. Common situations that necessitate coordination and/or consultation with the Division of Traffic Operations include:
- Interpretation of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- Approval of electrical traffic control devices and roadway lighting
- Review of panel sign installations and modifications, including requests for Limited Supplemental signs
- Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) project management
- Design and inspection of electrical traffic control devices and roadway lighting
- Signal system timing and traffic signal communication networks
The Division of Traffic Operations is comprised of the Office of Director and four separate branches: the Traffic Engineering Branch, the System Operations Branch, the Traffic Design Services Branch, and the Traffic Safety Branch.

The Director’s Office provides administrative support to the whole Division. Primary responsibilities of the Director’s Office include:
- Establishes statewide FE04 budget
- Processes payments for materials and services
- Procures traffic-related materials
- Coordinates storage and release of traffic-related materials from central warehouse
- Organize Traffic Engineers Meetings
- Reviews and makes recommendations to traffic-related legislation
- Coordinates with the State Highway Engineer’s Office when special requests are received
- Maintains historical records associated with certain traffic control devices
- Reviews prequalification submittals for Traffic Engineering services

The Traffic Engineering Branch provides expertise regarding the proper application of traffic control devices and is the primary point of contact for securing approval from the State Highway Engineer’s Office for all electrical traffic control devices, including traffic signals, beacons, LED-enhanced signing, school speed zone flashers, and lighting. This Branch also coordinates the review and approval of speed zone installations and modifications. Additionally, this Branch handles installation and maintenance of large freeway/expressway signing as well as requests for limited supplemental guide signing. Primary responsibilities of this Branch include:
- Provides technical support on proper application of traffic control devices and other traffic issues
- Coordinates the approval process for certain traffic control devices including:
- Speed limit modifications
- Installation of electrical traffic control devices, including traffic signals, school flashers, flashing beacons, etc.
- Modifications to vehicular traffic signal phasing
- Installation of roadway lighting
- Conducts traffic investigations to support traffic engineering decisions
- Reviews plans for proper application of traffic engineering principles
- Reviews traffic impacts studies on permits involving new and/or modified traffic signals
- Provides expertise on temporary traffic control devices and their application
- Maintains Standard Drawings for traffic-related items
- Provides expertise on bike/ped issues
- Manages statewide contract for Roadway Signing Plans Services
- Manages statewide panel sign installation and maintenance, including review of signing plans on projects
- Manages the Logo and TODS signing programs
- Establishes master agreements for pavement marking materials
- Handles applications for new Limited Supplemental sign requests

The System Operations Branch is responsible for development of coordinated timing and communication networks for traffic signal systems. This Branch also provides technical support for and manages traffic signal monitoring hardware and software across the state. Primary responsibilities of this Branch include:
- Provides technical support for and manages traffic signal systems
- Provides technical support for and manages traffic signal monitoring hardware and software
- Provides technical support for and manages communication networks for traffic signal systems
- Provides technical advice and training regarding traffic signal timing and operations
- Manages statewide contract for Traffic Engineering Services

The Traffic Design Services Branch supports the development of design plans for electrical devices (traffic signals, school flashers, beacons, roadway lighting, etc.) and establishes material specifications for items used in the installation and maintenance of these devices. This Branch also reviews permits related to electrical traffic control devices. Primary responsibilities of this Branch include:
- Develops design plans for electrical traffic control devices and roadway lighting on highway projects
- Reviews plans developed by consultants for electrical traffic control devices and roadway lighting on projects and permits
- Performs final inspections of electrical traffic control devices and roadway lighting installed on projects and permits
- Develops standards and specifications for the design and construction of electrical traffic control devices and roadway lighting
- Provides technical support for the development of master agreements for the purchase of electrical materials
- Provides technical support for the Districts’ signal and lighting maintenance contracts
- Manages several statewide services contracts related to the design and construction of electrical devices

The Traffic Safety Branch assists the Transportation Cabinet with improving the safety of Kentucky’s transportation system by administering the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), which is a federally funded program with the purpose of achieving a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads and providing highway safety expertise for other highway projects and programs.
- Administers the Highway Safety Improvement Program
- Reviews plans for HSIP projects
- Serves as subject matter experts for safety on KYTC projects
- Provides highway safety expertise for KYTC programs
- Manages statewide contract for Highway Safety Improvement Services
- Provides training for highway safety issues