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1. What They Are

Rejuvenators are a diluted maltene-based emulsion sprayed onto a pavement surface by a computerized distributor truck to delay and reverse oxidation, reduce raveling, waterproof the asphalt surface and protect it from UV aging, seal micro cracks before they can widen, and prevent moisture from infiltrating the pavement structure. The application rate is typically 0.04 – 0.10 gal/yd2. Rejuvenators restore asphalt components lost in the aging process and is designed to penetrate, flux, and co-mingle with the existing asphalt binder. Rejuvenators should be applied by experienced personnel, and manufacturer recommendations must be followed.

2. Where and When They Are Used

Use rejuvenators on asphalt pavements that are structurally sound before they exhibit signs of surface distress. They also can be effective on aged chip seals, encouraging chip retention by slightly softening the binder and resetting the chip. They are also very effective for pavement shoulder preservation. Applying rejuvenators every 4 to 7 years will keep a good road in good condition. Application intervals vary by pavement type.

Rejuvenators may also be used to rejuvenate good quality recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) millings for base placement or as a final ride surface for lower-volume rural, residential, or regional roads. They can be a good choice for this purpose, as they improve the condition of the original RAP without introducing excessive asphalt which could cause bleeding.

Do not use rejuvenators on pavements with moderately or severely distressed surfaces, pavements with poor skid resistance or rutting, or roads that cannot be closed or partly closed to traffic during the curing period. Field staff must be careful when applying rejuvenators to prevent the loss of skid resistance.

3. Advantages

  • Cost-effective and easily applied.
  • Reintroduces components of asphalt to the asphalt binder.
  • Hairline and microcracks disappear when the maltene rejuvenator component expands the asphalt droplet as it co-mingles.

4. Disadvantages

  • May initially reduce skid resistance, especially when applied improperly or too heavily.
  • Generally requires sanding to reduce friction loss.
  • Lanes should be closed to traffic until the seal has completely cured, which can take up to a couple of hours, depending on ambient air temperature and humidity.
  • Cosmetic attributes need to be considered for the specific work (e.g., gated residential drives, stamped curbs, driveways).
  • Must be applied in dry weather, when temperatures are warm enough to ensure a complete cure (50° F [10° C] and rising).

5. Estimated Life Extension

Estimated Life Extension
Pavement Condition Rejuvenator Longevity
Good 4-7 years
Fair 5-6 years

Pavement Preservation Knowledge Book:

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