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Division of Construction

District Section Engineers (SEs) and District Construction Staff adhere to a uniform set of policies and procedures when managing construction projects; however, they sometimes require assistance during the course of a project. When SEs or District Construction Staff run into a problem they cannot resolve on their own, they request help from Construction District Liaisons. District Liaisons are operational representatives who are assigned to a specific geographic area – in most cases they are responsible for approximately two Districts. District Liaisons are assigned to the Contract Support Branch of Central Office Division of Construction. The Central Office Division of Construction also includes the Technical Support Branch and Contract Administration Branch.
While it will be most common for SEs and District Construction Staff to primarily rely on their District Liaisons for aid, it is nonetheless critical for them to understand what forms of technical assistance are available from each branch of the Central Office Division of Construction. This article explains the functions of each branch and discusses how they can help District staff facilitate project delivery. Note that in some cases, staff from all three branches will be knowledgeable of or able to assist on different facets of an individual topic or task. If any of this knowledge book’s content is unclear or requires further explanation, please contact your District Liaison!

The Technical Support Branch (TSB) supports direct project management through standardized policy, software packages, and workflow guidance.
Updates to the Kentucky Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
Updates database of Special Notes and Provisions. Make determinations to incorporate SN and SP in the Standard Specifications. For descriptions of Specifications, Notes, and Provisions, see Section 101.13 in the Standard Specifications.
Updates to the KYTC Construction Policy Manual
AASHTOWare Support, Training, and Updates
- SEs and their staff use AASHTO SiteManager, Lab Information Management System (LIMS), and Project software to manage projects.
- Add new users.
AgilePoint and ProjectWise Training, and Updates
- Agilepoint is used for electronic change order process and for management of various other administrative processes.
- ProjectWise is used for project documentation and file storage across multiple divisions. Individual user settings are supported by Highway Design.
Review New Materials for Approval/Rejection into KY PEL Database System
Review Precast Drainage Structures’ Shop Drawings
Maintain/Update Pre-approved Precast Drainage Structures
Maintain Bid Item Catalog—Add new items, amend existing items, and delete obsolete ones, as necessary
Recommend, Test, and Implement Plans for KYTC Technology in Construction
Maintain TC 63—XX Construction Forms
Maintain other forms, checklists, and reports
Provide support regarding safety requirements for Cabinet staff along with safety guidelines for work on highway projects
Maintain nuclear gauge inventory
The Contract Support Branch (CSB) directly supports the project management responsibilities of District Section Engineers and their staff.
Inter- and Intra-agency Coordination
• Construction Field Engineers lead coordination efforts with FHWA, US Coast Guard, railroads, and other outside stakeholder agencies that retain approval rights for construction activities on a project. CSB staff also facilitate coordination with other KYTC Divisions when unforeseen site conditions emerge. For example, if the rock elevations documented in plans differ from conditions encountered onsite once structure excavation for a bridge foundation begins, CSB staff will coordinate with the Division of Structural Design, Geotechnical Branch.
Expertise During Other Project Phases
• CSB staff provide expertise during Project Development Meetings, including Preliminary Line and Grade Selection, Final Joint Inspection, Constructability Reviews, Mandatory Pre-bid Meetings for Contractors, and Post-Construction Reviews. Construction Field Engineers assist SEs and District staff throughout a project’s life cycle.
Construction Project Management and Plan Changes
• CSB staff aid District staff with project management. They can help resolve issues that require changes to the original construction contract including authorized Plan Changes, Extra Work, or Construction Revisions and ensure projects reach satisfactory completion. Extra Work encompasses activities not covered by a contract. While it is acceptable for some final pay quantities to differ slightly from original contract (i.e., design) quantities, significant modifications require a Change Order, which revises the Contract. If an authorized change needs a supplemental agreement, a Change Order is processed. District staff should involve the CSB if assistance is needed with project changes but always when the change is significant. When contract quantity underruns and overruns for major work items occur, underrun and overrun formulas are used to recalculate the unit rate(s) specified in the contract. When a Construction Revision is necessary, CSB staff organize coordination with other Cabinet subject matter experts. Construction Revisions can require the purchase of additional right of way (Right of Way Revision), utility relocation (with or without a modification to the utility owner’s contract with KYTC), a Change Order, or some combination of these and other processes (additional funding, for example.) SEs are responsible for drafting Change Orders in SiteManager once their details have been determined. To process and approve Change Orders, CSB staff arrange coordination with the Division of Program Management, Division of Accounts, Division of Highway Design, Highway Engineer’s office, and FHWA (as necessary). District staff can also ask CSB staff to review proposed changes to temporary traffic control measures on a project. Additional information can be found in the Construction Guidance Manual and Standard Specifications.

KY Standard Specifications and Construction Guidance
• CSB staff help District staff apply and adhere to concepts and policies in the Standard Specifications. They also provide construction guidance. Updates, revisions, and supplemental specifications are generated by CSB and TSB staff.
Value Engineering Change Proposals (VECP)
• VECPs submitted by contractors are jointly evaluated and then processed by CSB and District staff. Section 111 of the Standard Specifications and the Construction Guidance Manual (CST 312) contain procedures for moving VCEPs from the conceptual stage through final review. CSB staff provide support to District engineers during the review process and when contract changes are made as a result of VECP approval.
Dispute Resolution
• At an SE’s request, CSB staff can intervene to help resolve issues before a contractor initiates a claim. One example of when this is necessary is when a contractor and SE cannot resolve a project issue. If the issue cannot be resolved, the contractor may initiate the claims process. CSB personnel offer support and guidance throughout the claim process. They coordinate with FHWA during the dispute resolution process. The claims process is structured and administered in accordance with Section 105.13 of the Standard Specifications, Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KAR 603 2:015 Sections 9 & 10), and Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS 13B.140). The contractor receives information about the availability of this formal process at the preconstruction conference and again anytime the SE believes a claim may occur. See the Construction Guidance Manual (CST 311) for additional information.
Submittal Review/Approval
• SEs are responsible for the ongoing review and processing of submittals. CSB staff assist SEs by performing and coordinating reviews with other offices, including FHWA and other KYTC Divisions. Common submittals are listed below.
Waste and/or Borrow Site Review
• Contractor submittals related to waste or borrow sites are often extensive and may require approvals from outside regulatory agencies. When Central Office review is called for, CSB staff evaluate the submittal and coordinate with other KYTC Divisions and jurisdictional agencies.
Shop Drawing Review
• District Liaisons receive, review, and accept or reject shop drawings in coordination with the Division of Structural Design and the Division of Highway Design. Central Office Construction Liaisons work with the Division of Structural Design when appropriate.
Cofferdam Design Review
• The type and clearance of cofferdams; bracing, shoring or other construction details that affect the character of the finished work; and the safety of the installation are subject to Department approval. Before a contractor submits details and design calculations for review they must be stamped by a licensed engineer. Central Office Construction Liaisons work with the Division of Structural Design when appropriate.
Containment Plan Review
• District Liaisons review contractor submittals for equipment and operational procedures for containments.
Shoring Design Review
• The details of shoring designs are reviewed in the same manner as cofferdam designs.
Falsework Design Review
• CSB staff facilitate falsework design review, including any coordination with other reviewers (e.g., Division of Structural Design).
Contract Inspection
• CSB staff advertise for and select contract inspection services according to Section 316 of the Construction Guidance Manual, through the Division of Professional Services. They also manage those service contracts.
Specialized Inspections
CSB staff coordinate inspections that require specialized expertise and limited equipment. They can also help obtain any necessary equipment. Specialized inspections include:
Structural Steel Fabrication Shop Inspection
• See Section 607 of the Standard Specifications (Structural Steel Bridges). CSB staff assist with coordinating submittals during the review cycle, working with engineers within the Division of Structural Design. Fabrication shop must be in compliance with Specifications and American Welding Society standards.
Precast Materials Inspection
• Site visits to the precast manufacturer facility or project site are required to verify precast materials adhere to prescribed specifications and quality standards. This function may also be performed by District Materials or Construction staff.
Traffic Control Reviews
• When annual reviews of randomly selected projects are conducted, CSB staff chair review teams. A review team includes representatives from the following Divisions: Construction, Traffic, Maintenance, and Highway Design and Utilities. The Work Zone Committee chair is responsible for organizing the team, scheduling reviews, and reporting results in accordance with FHWA requirements. When incidents occur on active construction projects, additional requirements apply (see CST 113). The Project Development Team prepares the initial Temporary Traffic Control Plan (TTCP), which CSB staff and District staff review to verify its soundness and ensure traffic control measures are successfully implemented.
Pachometer Testing
• CSB staff performs pachometer testing of bridge decks, which is performed to verify compliance with minimum bridge deck reinforcement cover requirements. If deficiencies are found, coring and/or penalties may be recommended by CSB staff and the Division of Materials. See Kentucky Method 64-313-18 and Section 609.05 of the Standard Specifications for more information.
Erosion Control Inspection
• Central Office Construction Seeding and Erosion Control Liaisons assist with managing project landscaping requirements, including tagging approved trees and/or plants at the nursery during the early stages of project construction so they can be used later on. Final seeding and landscape inspections and final erosion control inspections are performed according to the schedule established within the Standard Specifications (Section 212.03.03, Permanent Seeding and Protection).
Final Inspection
• At an SE’s request, CSB staff will conduct a final project inspection. CSB staff issue a Formal Acceptance of the project once the contractor corrects and receives approval for punch list items listed in the comprehensive Final Inspection Report. CSB will also issue Formal Acceptance of the project when all requirements are met. The District should send requests for Formal Acceptance to their CSB District Liaison.

The Contract Administration Branch (CAB) staff undertake a wide variety of tasks focused on ensuring project specific regulations are met during construction. CAB staff also process project payments to contractors and manage the Division of Construction’s accounting responsibilities.
Review/Approve Contractor Prequalification Applications
• CAB staff, in coordination with the Division of Construction Procurement (DCP) staff, maintain updated contractor status based on prequalification by DCP.
Subcontract Review/Approval
• The Director of the Division of Construction must approve all prime contractor requests to subcontract a portion of their work (both first- and second-tier subcontracts). A subcontractor cannot perform any work until this approval is granted. The Division of Construction Procurement must approve DBE subcontracts before a work order will be issued.
Contractor, Subcontractor Payroll Submittal Review/Approval
• On Federal-aid projects where KYTC Division of Construction Procurement carries out a wage and hour review, a certified payroll review must be completed. Division of Construction staff coordinate the payroll review with the Division of Construction Procurement.
• The CAB will verify all required payrolls have been submitted prior to processing progress payments. Division of Construction holds contractor’s pay when this information has not been submitted by the prime contractor or it does not include subcontractor(s) personnel.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Payment Compliance Verification
• CAB staff confirm with KYTC’s Office of Civil Rights and Small Business Development (OCRSBD) that a prime contractor has made timely and appropriate payments to DBE-certified subcontractors prior to closeout of projects. OCRSBD will perform occasional checks on random projects throughout the life of the project to confirm timely payments to DBE’s.
Review and Process Contractor Pay Estimates, Including Project Final Estimates
• SEs process progress pay estimates for satisfactory contractor work and materials that have been accepted. CAB staff assist SEs by processing periodic pay estimates according to an established schedule. They also process approved adjustments and final payments. Demobilization payment is made through the Final Pay Estimate, which is also issued by CAB staff.
Receive, Record, Maintain, and Forward As-Built Construction Plans
Process Construction Contract Close Out
Payroll Duties for Central Office Division of Construction
Process Division of Construction Invoices (use eMars Accounting software)
Process Division of Construction Procurement Card (ProCard) Transactions
Maintain Proficiency and Utilize KYTC’s eMars Accounting System
Maintain KYTAG System
Set yearly contract progress payment schedule
Maintain Division of Construction Website and information available within pages. This includes historical bid item averages, project-specific information (active and completed projects), personnel directories, and contractor information.
Move new projects from Preconstruction module to SiteManager module when a Work Order is granted, enabling District Construction staff to activate the projects.
Construction staff in Central Office provide support for AASHTOWare users within field offices at all stages of work, with specific branches’ involvement as shown:
AASHTOWare Module/Branch | Technical Support Branch (TSB) | Contract Support Branch (CSB) | Contract Administration Branch (CAB) |
SiteManager | Maintain/Update Software | Change Order Review | Initial Construction Project Setup |
Initial District User Setup | Process Pay Estimates | ||
Troubleshooting | Prepare Project Final Estimates | ||
Support and Train Staff | |||
LIMS | Maintain/Update Software | ||
Initial District User Setup | |||
Support and Train Staff | |||
Preconstruction | Maintain/Update Software | Pass New Projects from Preconstruction to SiteManager |
Initial District User Setup | |||
Support and Train Staff | |||

- Kentucky Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, current edition with Supplemental Specifications included, July 2019
- KYTC Construction Guidance Manual, 2009
- KYTC Construction Memos Library
- KYTC Section Engineers’ Reference Guide, 2011
- KYTC Construction Procurement Manual, 2018
- KYTC Kentucky Methods, 2019
- KYTC Precast/Prestressed Concrete Guidance Manual, 2006
- KYTC Materials Sampling Manual, 2018
Technical Support Resources Knowledge Book:
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