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Common Project Team Meetings


1. Pre-Design Conference

2. Public Meeting

3. Preliminary Line and Grade Meeeting

4. Miscellaneous Project Team Meeting

5. Final Joint Inspection Meeting

6. Joint Utility Information Meeting

7. Pre-Bid Meeting

8. Associated Articles

9. Reference Documentation

    Common Project Team Meetings Project Classification
    Capital Improvement Projects Safety Projects Asset Management Projects Maintenance Projects
    1. Pre-Design Conference x x x
    2. Public Meeting x x
    3. Preliminary Line and Grade Meeting x x
    4. Miscellaneous Project Team Meetings x x x x
    5. Final Joint Inspection Meeting x x x
    6. Joint Utility Information Meeting x x
    7. Pre-Bid Meeting x x
    8. Associated Articles x x x x
    9. Reference Documentation x x x x
    x = Information from the topic may be applicable for the project classification.


    The full definitions for terms included in this article (listed below) can be found in the HKP Glossary.

    • Pre-Design Conference 
    • Public Meeting 
    • Preliminary Line and Grade Meeting 
    • Final Joint Inspection Meeting 
    • Joint Utility Information Meeting 
    • Pre-bid Meeting 

    1. Pre-Design Conference

    At a pre-design conference (see HD-205.4), KYTC and the consultant clarify, refine, and document the scope of work. They also agree to a project schedule and the Cabinet communicates expectations based on the project budget. If Cabinet in-house staff design a project, a similar meeting can be held.

    To prepare for a pre-design conference, the project manager (PM) should coordinate with subject-matter experts (SMEs), potential project development team (PDT) members, and the Location Engineer (see HDM 202.6). This coordination should focus on the project scope and reviewing any issues confronting the project. Coordination can be accomplished by meetings, phone calls, or emails depending on project complexity. On more complex projects, meetings are the best option to resolve challenging issues.

    Red Flag

    Red Flag: If the anticipated level of environmental document is a Categorical Exclusion (CE) III or above, a Scope Verification Meeting between KYTC and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) should occur before the pre-design conference. Additional information on scope verification meetings can be found in the HKP article Project Scoping (Section 4.1).

    Ideally, the pre-design conference should take place within 10 days of consultant selection. The following items need to be on hand at the conference because they facilitate efforts to clarify, refine, and document the scope of work:

    • A copy of the professional services advertisement bulletin
    • A draft of the pre-design conference meeting minutes
    • A copy of any Data Needs Assessments (DNA) and planning studies in the project area
    • Aerial photos or maps of the project area. Using Google Earth to display the project area on a projector screen or large display is useful.
    • Any existing data available (e.g., existing crashes, traffic counts, archived plans)

    The consultant is responsible for taking meeting minutes and preparing the draft units and production hour descriptions. Minutes serve as a meeting’s official record and document every decision made. Once drafted, the consultant circulates the minutes to the PDT for comment, after which they revise the minutes based on comments received. The final version of the minutes is then distributed to the PDT. See the HKP article Understanding a Consultant Contract article for more information.

    2. Public Meeting 

    At public meetings KYTC engages public stakeholders in decision making by providing attendees with project information and giving them the opportunity to provide input to the PDT. Compared to other meeting types, planning for public meetings should start earlier given the amount of time required to select an appropriate location and the lead time needed to advertise the meeting.

    The PM should work with the District Public Information Officer (PIO) to select a meeting location that is large enough to hold the anticipated number of attendees and that is accessible and can accommodate individuals with disabilities. Meeting locations should have the amenities needed to conduct an effective meeting (e.g., room to place posters or displays, projection screens or large televisions that can be used to display project-related information). The most popular days to hold a public meeting are Tuesday and Thursday. Most public meetings are scheduled for approximately two hours and are held after 5:00 pm.

    KYTC and consultant staff should arrive at the meeting location at least one hour before it begins so they have ample time to set up and are ready for members of the public who arrive early. Once a meeting ends, the PDT and consultants must return the meeting room to its pre-meeting condition.

    Consultants need to circulate all posters, displays, presentations, questionnaires, and handouts to PDT members for review 3-4 weeks in advance of the meeting. PDT members should submit their comments at least two weeks before the meeting so the consultant has enough time to make revisions based on feedback and print meeting materials.

    Displays typically show proposed alternatives, preliminary right of way (ROW), and impacts to adjacent property. Typical sections are also a common display. Depending on the project purpose, presenting existing and expected traffic and safety performance may also be beneficial. Handouts typically include information on the project’s purpose, a description of alternatives, costs, schedules, and the performance of each alternative.

    Other types of meetings open to outside stakeholders, such as Public Hearings, Elected Officials meeting, Right-of-Way property owners meeting, or Citizens Advisory Group meeting would benefit from these same procedures. Additional information on public meetings can be found in the HKP article Public Involvement with Customers and Stakeholders and the Highway Design Guidance Manual (HD-600). Title VI (Civil Rights Act) requirements and information for public meetings can also be found in this article.

     Side Note

    It can be beneficial to hold an Elected Officials meeting at the same location, but prior to, the public meeting. This allows the project information to be presented to the elected officials prior to the public being involved, which helps to educate the elected officials, who may receive questions from their constituents, and provides an opportunity for the elected officials to hear directly what comments the public may have concerning the project.

    3. Preliminary Line and Grade Meeting

    At the Preliminary Line and Grade (PL&G) Meeting the PDT selects a preferred alternative and documents the rationale for the decision. The meeting occurs toward the end of the preliminary engineering phase (Phase I Design), but before the NEPA document is approved. Preliminary alternative plans shown at the meeting should be developed to 30% completion and include the following:

    • Plans of the project area that show plan and profiles for each alternative — typically plans are manuscript format (roll plot) instead of individual plan sheets
    • Typical sections and preliminary cross sections
    • Existing ROW and utilities along with any preliminary ROW (including easements) needs

    Other items to have prepared and ready for discussion at the PL&G include:

    • The draft environmental investigation and any potential mitigation measures
    • Roundabout Design form, if applicable
    • PL&G-level estimate for each alternative that includes ROW, utility relocations, and construction (including any anticipated environmental fees)
    • Preliminary project schedule
    • A comparison of each alternative’s performance relative to the purpose and need (e.g., alternative impacts, expected safety performance, traffic performance, travel time, cost)
    • Summary of public involvement

    The PL&G meeting minutes are incorporated into the Design Executive Summary (DES). HD-203.5 provides additional information on PL&G meeting minutes requirements. Further discussion on the PL&G meeting can be found in the HKP article PM and Preliminary Design.

    4. Miscellaneous Project Team Meetings

    During the project development process, situations often arise that require a PDT to meet to resolve specific issues. Miscellaneous project team meetings have a similar format to the meetings described above, but they often have a smaller more specific audience. For example, during preliminary engineering, a PDT may hold a meeting to narrow down the alignments that will be considered at the PL&G meeting. Or during final design, a meeting may be held to address a narrow subject (e.g., pavement design, ROW minimization, interchange lighting).

    Another type of meeting that may be encountered if certain project cost thresholds are met is the participation in a Value Engineering (VE) Study. Currently, VE Studies are required on federally funded projects on the National Highway System with an overall estimated cost over $50million or an estimated bridge cost over $40million. The PM will typically attend a meeting early in the study process to provide a basic project overview to the VE team and again at the end of the study to view the ideas that were created by the VE Team. Other involvement includes gathering and distributing project documents and information to the VE team and being available to answer questions as they arise during the VE study.

    5. Final Joint Inspection Meeting

    At the final Joint Inspection (JI) meeting PDT members review the project design and proposed contract plans and documents. Typically, it occurs toward the end of final design (Phase II Design), but before the submission of final ROW plans. Issues that arose during design, but which have not been resolved, must be presented at this meeting. Often, at this meeting the PDT conducts a sheet-by-sheet review of the plan set. Because detailed reviews of each sheet in the plan set take a lot of time, the PM needs to schedule ample time for the meeting.

    Plans should be designed to approximately 80% completeness and include the following components for review at the meeting:

    • Roadway plan and profile set with drainage features (typically on 11” x 17” sheets)
    • Typical sections with pavement design
    • General and special notes
    • Anticipated bid items and quantities
    • Maintenance of traffic layout, notes and an overview of any anticipated lane or road closures
    • Erosion control sheets
    • Coordinate control sheets
    • Pipe sheets
    • Striping and signing plans (if applicable)

    Before the final JI meeting is held, the following design components should be complete:

    • Drainage design / preliminary drainage submittal
    • Pavement design
    • Geotechnical investigations for the roadway and structures
    • Structure design
    • Review of commitments made during the NEPA process for incorporation into the plans
    • JI-level cost estimate for ROW, utility relocation, and construction

     Side Note

    The PM can request a constructability review from the Quality Assurance Branch as part of the final JI meeting. The Quality Assurance Branch assigns a constructability reviewer to provide comments to the PDT.

    Comments received at this meeting should be documented in the meeting minutes and be incorporated into the final plans prior to submitting the check print plan set to the Plan Processing Branch. The HKP article Preparing for Letting provides details on check prints, the HKP article PM and Final Design provides more details on the final JI meeting, while the HKP article Project Schedule and Development of Milestones provides further details on the components of JI plans.

    6. Joint Utility Information Meeting

    Although discussions and preliminary coordination with utility companies should take place throughout project development, the joint utility information meeting is the first official meeting between KYTC and potentially affected utility companies. It provides an opportunity to determine the accuracy of existing facilities shown on plans, identify conflicts, define possible relocations, plan utility design and relocation schedules, identify reimbursable or non-reimbursable work, look for ways to minimize utility impacts, and discuss data needs. Additional information can be found in the HKP article Project Management and Utility Coordination and the Utilities and Rails Guidance Manual (UR-800).

    The District Utility Supervisor schedules the joint utility information meeting. The following people should attend:

    • Representatives from potentially affected utility companies
    • District utility staff
    • PM
    • Roadway designer
    • Design consultant (if applicable)

    The meeting is held after Utility funds have been authorized and ROW plans developed. Electronic and paper copies of the plans should be made available to the utility companies. The PM should be prepared to describe the overall project and answer questions about the design.

    7. Pre-Bid Meeting

    Some projects include a pre-bid meeting with potential contractors. At this meeting, the PM and consultant (if applicable) explains complex issues and expectations and answers questions about the design. The meeting also helps KYTC gauge levels of interest among contractors. It is held after a project is advertised for bid, but before the letting openings (which occur three weeks after the advertisement is released).  If the meeting is mandatory, contractors intending to submit a bid on the project must have representation present at the pre-bid meeting.

    If a pre-bid meeting is needed, the PM notifies the Division of Construction Procurement during the final plan submittal process. The Division of Construction Procurement sends out a notification of the pre-bid meeting date and time and post meeting minutes as well as the attendance list to their website. The PM is responsible for providing the Division of Construction Procurement with the attendance list and the meeting minutes.

    Additional information can be found in the HKP article Preparing for Letting.

    8. Associated Articles

    9. Reference Documentation

    KYTC Highway Design Manual

    KYTC Utilities and Rail Guidance Manual

    Project Management Guidebook Knowledge Book:

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